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Full Version: Did the UFO debate make us distrust scientists?
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EXCERPT: The obsession in the United States with unidentified flying saucers from the 1940s up until the end of the Cold War may help explain how science communication is tied to current denials and conspiracy theories about climate change and immunizations. [...] “It’s had clear impact on the way people think about science, the way people think about technology, and the way they think about government and authority.”...
Ufology showed us how much science is in the hip pocket of the federal govt, getting most all of its funding from them at that time and consumed with military matters over anything like a new phenomenon. This has been instrumental in reinforcing conspiracy theories of mainstream scientists getting paid by the govt to recite findings that suit their political agenda. Climate change has that same problem, even though it has become almost unanimously proven to be real and human-caused. Still it hearkens back to that old govt/science cabal that wants to suppress the truth and to present theories that only get it maximum funding. However, I disagree with the author's thesis that ufos were a Cold War phenomena. Some very notable mass sightings of triangle craft began in the late 80's thru the 90's. If anything the phenomenon merely morphed from the standard saucer to the chevron shaped craft, more in line with the Hollywood version of spaceships at that time.