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6 Ridiculous Myths About the Middle Ages

EXCERPT: When you think of the Middle Ages, chances are you picture gallant knights sitting astride brilliant destriers galloping through a sea of plagues, ignorance, and filth. And you can hardly be blamed for that, when everything from the movies you watch to your high school history teacher (who was mainly the football coach) has told you that...


#6. Scientific Progress Was Dead

#5. Everyone Smelled Like Complete Sh##

#4. Knights Were Honorable, Chivalrous Warriors

#3. Everyone Was a Prude

#2. Women Were Treated as Cattle

#1. Life Was Horrible and Everyone Died Young

Common Myths About The Middles Ages


The Arabs burned the library of Alexandria

In the Middle Ages scholars spent hours debating how many angels could stand on the head of a pin

Vikings wore helmets with horns

In Europe in the Middle Ages a Lord had the right to sleep with a bride on her wedding night
