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Full Version: QAnon’s adrenochrome quackery
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EXCERPTS: "There’s only one source for this stuff, the adrenalin glands from a living human body.” That bit of misinformation found in Hunter. S Thompson’s 1971 psychedelic classic, “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,” likely planted the seed that grew into one of the most outlandish and repugnant of all conspiracy theories. That would be the ludicrous QAnon claim that Hollywood celebrities and “liberal elite” politicians are kidnapping children to harvest their blood..

[...] How did Thompson come to involve adrenochrome in his story in the first place, describing it as “making pure mescaline seem like ginger beer?” Somewhere along the line he likely came across the work of Canadian psychiatrists Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond...

[...] The Adrenochrome Hypothesis faded into the background, but the reputed hallucinogenic effect of adrenochrome probably stimulated Hunter Thompson to include the drug in his novel. Adrenochrome also made it into the 1998 movie version of the book, and then in 2017 starred in a totally forgettable film, “Adrenochrome,” in which a young American veteran confronts some psychos in California who are on a murderous spree to extract the psychedelic compound from their victim’s adrenal glands.

The stage was now set for QAnon’s perverse fabricated tale that a pedophile ring of Democratic politicians and Hollywood celebrities is engaged in satanic sacrifices culminating in slurping the blood of massacred children. To make matters worse, this crackpot lunacy has anti-Semitic overtones. Accusations that Jews use the blood of Christian children to make matzah for Passover have a long, appalling history. A famous case in 1475 is a horrific example...

Numerous such pogroms in Europe were sparked by accusations of Jews kidnapping Christian children and the Nazi propaganda machine in the 1930s frequently employed the “blood libel” motif. Now QAnon followers are regurgitating this claptrap, the difference being that the “extraction of adrenochrome” for its rejuvenating and psychedelic effects is now described as the motive for the kidnapping of children. 

Adrenochrome, which has no rejuvenating effects, and very questionable psychedelic properties, would have long faded into obscurity had it not been rejuvenated by the QAnon twaddle...

[...] Now back to Thompson’s claim about the only source of adrenochrome being the human body, which seems to have started this whole sordid business. Not so! Adrenochrome can be readily synthesized and is available to researchers from chemical suppliers. No need for human sacrifice... (MORE - missing details)

Clip of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" (1998)