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Watched an episode of crime tv yesterday. In this program police were searching for a vehicle belonging to a wanted suspect hoping to find one or both. They located the used car lot where it was purchased. They got a big surprise, something that ended the manhunt. 

Apparently in some US states a dealer can install, unbeknownst to purchaser, a tracking device in a sold vehicle if they have doubts about the buyer’s credit. For repo I assume. They pinged and located the car in a mall parking lot and FBI nabbed the suspect plus saved a kidnap victim. 

What about tracking humans? Would you allow a tracking device implant under the skin just in case you were lost, missing, or in case you become a victim of foul play? Perhaps by the amount of people that don’t even want a covid vaccine, it’s telling us no way. Could a govt make it mandatory? Can’t see it being used by armed forces however? Only if voluntary?
A tracking implant would smack of the "mark of the beast" to most Christians.

But how many people really fear getting lost (without your phone), kidnapped, etc.? If you're murdered, it will only help find your body, not save your life.
Obviously many governments could make it mandatory, just looking at everything they've been able to mandate during the pandemic. But freer countries would not allow such a violation of the rights to privacy, body autonomy, etc..

The armed forced could be more readily mandated, but a system that could potentially be hacked to give away troop movements would be a severe liability.
(Jan 14, 2022 06:43 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: [ -> ][...] What about tracking humans? Would you allow a tracking device implant under the skin just in case you were lost, missing, or  in case you become a victim of foul play? Perhaps by the amount of people that don’t even want a covid vaccine, it’s telling us no way. Could a govt make it mandatory? Can’t see it being used by armed forces however? Only if voluntary?

Less obvious to do it the way China does -- compelling citizens to download various government apps that monitor their locations and mobile device activity (as well as requiring conventional apps to report personal data to them).
I thought about phones but not always in possession. Now if you could develop a camera small enough to implant in your eyes that sends signals to a recording device. Far fetched but might reduce crime. They should try it on someone with a glass/artificial eye or with permission from a blind person.