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Full Version: Weather forces backlog of container ships at Cal ports to move further out to sea
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Winter weather is causing the backlog of ships at the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles to move further offshore. The ships waiting to dock off California's coast are complying with a new voluntary queuing system to improve safety conditions.

The ships are now required to idle between 50 and 150 miles off of the coasts of California and Mexico. Winter weather is causing the backlog of ships at California's ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles to move further offshore.

The congestion of the nearly 110,000 empty containers spans up to 80 miles away from the port, filling nearby streets and yards and making it more difficult for supply-chain workers to move goods efficiently.

The empty shipping containers represent another bottleneck in the supply chain and an additional hurdle for ports and warehouses that are running out of space (MORE - details)

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