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3rd of seniors prescribed harmful drugs + FactChecking Biden science claims on energy

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Fact-checking Joe Biden claims on energy

INTRO: During last night's Presidential debate, former Obama administration Vice-President and Delaware Senator Joe Biden said something that had Democrats worried and even the most partisan fact checkers holding up an index finger: "I have never said I oppose fracking."

Democrats absolutely do oppose natural gas, along with nuclear and even hydroelectric power, so they may have been shocked by his statement. They can rest east. Not only does Biden oppose fracking, despite its benefit to the environment, he believes in lots of other anti-science things that cater to the populism of his base.

More worrisome is that in saying he does not oppose fracking, he is sticking a finger in the eye of his former boss, the guy who is campaigning for him, President Obama. He's even sticking it to his own energy platform... (MORE)

One-third of older Americans prescribed potentially inappropriate, harmful drugs

EXCERPT: . . . Although prescription drugs can be beneficial, a study finds many seniors in the United States are receiving prescriptions for medications that are doing more harm than good. Researchers at the University at Buffalo say one-third of older Americans are taking a medication they shouldn’t be using.

The study reveals potentially inappropriate medications increase the chances of hospitalization and also costs patients over $450 more each year. A survey of over 218 million older adults finds 34 percent have been prescribed at least one possibly unsuitable drug. This group, on average, takes twice as many medications, is nearly twice as likely to be hospitalized, and is more likely to visit their primary care doctor than older patients not taking inappropriate prescriptions.

“Although efforts to de-prescribe have increased significantly over the last decade, potentially inappropriate medications continue to be prescribed at a high rate among older adults in the United States,” says lead investigator David Jacobs in a university release.

“The average age of the U.S. population is rising, and older adults account for a disproportionate amount of prescription medications,” study first author Collin Clark explains. “Harm to older adults caused by potentially inappropriate medications is a major public health challenge.” (MORE - details)
Syne Offline
Biden doesn't remember what his position is supposed to be from one moment to the next. But saying he opposed fracking, even just "on federal land", and promising to do away with fossil fuels is likely to hurt him in the swing state of Pennsylvania.

Joe Biden’s plan to move to a clean energy economy isn't new to those who've been paying attention: For months, he's promised to put the country on a path to be carbon-neutral by 2050.

But Biden, who's been extraordinarily cautious throughout the campaign while talking about fossil fuels, clearly believes he botched his own strategy on Thursday night.

Within minutes of the debate, where he said he wanted to transition away from the oil industry, Biden walked back his remarks with reporters. On Friday, his running mate Kamala Harris reaffirmed the ticket’s support for fracking. And two members of Congress from oil- and gas-rich areas immediately distanced themselves from the Democratic nominee.

So with only 11 days to go until the election, Biden and other Democrats are doing clean-up duty at precisely the wrong time.

“We're not getting rid of fossil fuels,” Biden told reporters after the debate. “We're getting rid of the subsidies for fossil fuels, but we're not getting rid of fossil fuels for a long time.”

President Donald Trump’s campaign has spent the day rejoicing at Biden’s remarks, crowing on a call with media outlets on Friday it “put the nail in the coffin” for him in Pennsylvania.


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