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Physics professor claims we should 'face possibility' some UFOs could be alien craft

C C Offline

EXCERPT: . . . As a NASA research scientist and now a professor of physics, I attended the 2002 NASA Contact Conference, which focused on serious speculation about extraterrestrials. During the meeting a concerned participant said loudly in a sinister tone, 'You have absolutely no idea what is out there!' The silence was palpable as the truth of this statement sunk in.

[...] In 1988, during my second week of graduate school at Montana State University, several students and I were discussing a recent cattle mutilation that was associated with UFOs. A physics professor joined the conversation and told us that he had colleagues working at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana, where they were having problems with UFOs shutting down nuclear missiles.

At the time I thought this professor was talking nonsense. But 20 years later, I was stunned to see a recording of a press conference featuring several former US Air Force personnel, with a couple from Malmstrom AFB, describing similar occurrences in the 1960s. Clearly there must be something to this.

[...] I believe we need to face the possibility that some of the strange flying objects that outperform the best aircraft in our inventory and defy explanation may indeed be visitors from afar – and there's plenty of evidence to support UFO sightings. [...] The problem is that there has been no single well-documented UFO encounter that would alone qualify as the smoking gun. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that many governments around the world have covered up and classified information about such encounters.

[...] UFO encounters are neither controllable nor repeatable, which makes their study extremely challenging. But the real problem, in my view, is that the UFO topic is taboo. While the general public has been fascinated with UFOs for decades, our governments, scientists and media, have essentially declared that of all the UFO sightings are a result of weather phenomenon or human actions.

[...] UFOs are off-limits to serious scientific study and rational discussion, which unfortunately leaves the topic in the domain of fringe and pseudoscientists, many of whom litter the field with conspiracy theories and wild speculation.

I think UFO skepticism has become something of a religion with an agenda, discounting the possibility of extraterrestrials without scientific evidence, while often providing silly hypotheses describing only one or two aspects of a UFO encounter reinforcing the popular belief that there is a conspiracy.

A scientist must consider all of the possible hypotheses that explain all of the data, and since little is known, the extraterrestrial hypothesis cannot yet be ruled out. In the end, the skeptics often do science a disservice by providing a poor example of how science is to be conducted. The fact is that many of these encounters – still a very small percentage of the total – defy conventional explanation.

The media amplifies the skepticism by publishing information about UFOs when it is exciting, but always with a mocking or whimsical tone and reassuring the public that it can't possibly be true. But there are credible witnesses and encounters.

I am often asked by friends and colleagues, 'Why don't astronomers see UFOs?' The fact is that they do....

Magical Realist Offline
It's so encouraging to see an honest and reputable inquirer looking into this subject for themselves for the first time and realizing there really is something to the ufo phenomena. And he's right. It's the tremendous taboo and ridicule that the mainstream makes of ufos that keeps the less courageous from taking a stand and speaking their convictions. But the subject is just too profound in its ramifications to stay silent about. There really are non-human intelligences in super advanced craft monitoring our activities on earth. And we need to study them, if not actually make contact with them, to find out what they are all about. It would be by far the greatest discovery of science in the history of the human race. And the shared knowledge from such an advanced species might just save our own species from future extinction.
Zinjanthropos Offline
I wholeheartedly agree with MR that Real live extraterrestrials would be one of humanity's greatest discoveries. When I was a young man I hoped that I would live long enough to see it happen.

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