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End of world revised to October + Singularity will arrive by 2045 (Ray Kurzweil)

C C Offline
Numerologist David Meade Claims End Of The World Will Start In October

EXCERPT: The doomsday predicted by Christian numerologist David Meade did not happen on Sept. 23. He now says that the end of the world will begin in October as the hypothetical Planet X, or Nibiru, approaches Earth. Christian numerologist David Meade predicted that the Earth would end on Sept. 23, when Nibiru, also known as Planet X, would collide with Earth, a prediction that he claimed was based on verses and numerical codes in the Bible....

Ray Kurzweil: Singularity Will Arrive by 2045 (video)

EXCERPT: “Information technology grows exponentially.”

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Zinjanthropos Offline
Whew, that's a relief. I mean having the Bible as a source. When I first moved away from home my bible, a gift from my mom, played a very important role in my life. If it wasn't for the good book, my sofa would have always wobbled due to a missing leg. It was just right, enough information in there to warrant the proper thickness required to put my life in balance, especially when sitting down eating pizza and watching the ball game. People were astounded at how the Bible fit exactly into my life. I never expected to find something so wonderful and suited to my very needs, how could it have known what I needed in my life at that time. I didn't just pick up a Bible, I made it work for me. You all have the same opportunity, so feel fortunate to have one and if you don't, then it may cost you the price of a new sofa.
Yazata Offline
Ray Kurzweil has always struck me as a crank.

He was a productive inventor decades ago (he invented an early computer scanner and and a variety of things) but once he got wealthy enough to more or less retire, he went off the rails.

He's a big proponent of the so-called "Singularity" in which artificial intelligence surpasses human beings. He apparently believes that these machines will turn into gods and that will be a good thing. When asked if he believes in God, he replied "Not yet." So futurism has become kind of a strange religion with Kurzweil, where the computer scientists he identifies with are creating the divine.

Some of his predictions as to timing are based on his imaginary 'Law of Accelerating Returns'. This is apparently the idea that the rate of evolution increases exponentially... Except that we don't see that with biological evolution or even with technological progress. The rate of technological change and the changes it had on everyday life from 1883 to 1950 was far more rapid (unprecedented in human history) than what we've seen from 1950 to 2017. What's that line: "They promised me Moon colonies, and all I got was an i-phone!"

The biggest advances since 1950 have been in genetics. That's where the really dramatic changes in how future people live are most apt to come from. (Not cell-phones or usb ports in people's heads.)

Genetic engineering and the possibility of designer biological organisms is apt to power another spurt of change, in my estimation. It could completely change how our environment looks (if we start living in bioengineered tree-houses) and how we live, if we invent grass-fueled, self-reproducing, self-steering vehicle-animals with nice warm soft furry interior spaces, if we install bioengineered nervous systems in biological artifacts to make them reasonably intelligent, if we uplift other animal species to intelligence (thoughtful talking apes or civilized tool-using octopuses), and human life itself might start to have multiple meanings if we start modifying human beings to live underwater or in space (or breed football players to resemble bulls... I think that the SEC already does that) or try to give bioengineered intellectuals superhuman intelligence. (Or alternatively, create deliberately sub-human docile and obedient slaves.) We might even see parents choosing blue skin and silver hair for their kids, just because it would look cool.
Syne Offline
(Sep 26, 2017 02:37 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: Whew, that's a relief. I mean having the Bible as a source.

Numerology isn't biblical.
Zinjanthropos Offline
Quote:Note how many times he says, "comes from my understanding".

I would expect nothing less from any numerologist. If this guy interprets it one way and somebody else another then not only is this branch of knowledge suspect but the entire tree as well. Wink

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