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Trumbull County mass UFO sighting

C C Offline
(Jun 1, 2017 09:59 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: Did I hear it right? Once the UFO moved away from the police cruiser, the car started up again? Without turning the ignition key? For an internal combustion engine? Something doesn't sound right there unless the aliens have some neat little tricks up their spacesuit sleeves.

For what any of these claims of having examined well over a century of UFO accounts would be worth, here's one historical overview that contends that the cases of unassisted restarting only emerged late in the 20th century. And were such a small percentage that the reports might be vulnerable to error, misinterpretation, or obscure memory.

Kevin Randle: [...] The first reported instance of a UFO (described as a globular light) causing any sort of EM effect was on May 19, 1909. A motorcyclist said that his headlight failed as the light passed overhead. When it was gone, the motorcycle light came back on.

The first case in which an engine was stalled was from California in the spring of 1944 or 1945. [...] When the object left, the driver tried again, but the car still would not start. After several minutes a tow truck driver stopped to help but could find no reason for the engine to quit or why it wouldn’t start when it started by itself.

The first case in which the car had to be started after the UFO disappeared was reported on September 13, 1952 [...] A couple said they were traveling with their daughter when they saw a bright light and their car stalled. [...] When the UFO took off [...] the car could then be restarted.

From then on, it seemed that the rule was that the car, if stalled, had to be restarted. According to an analysis of the cases, it seems that in only five to six percent of the reports that involved a stalled engine did the car start without an action taken by the driver.

I will note here that there were a number of cases in which it wasn’t clear if the car had to be restarted or if it restarted on its own. In those reports, it was noted only that once the UFO was gone, the “car acted normally.” That could mean almost anything, including that the engine started spontaneously or that the driver started it.

The other thing to be noted is that I found many cases in which the radios filled with static and the headlights dimmed or faded out completely, but the engine didn’t stall. In some of them the engine began to run roughly or sputtered, but never stopped. In these reports once the UFO was gone, the engine smoothed out and the lights and the radio began to operate properly as well.

Rodeghier reported that for a long time that it was only the gasoline engines that stalled but diesel engines seemed to be immune. Rodeghier wrote, “For example, a UFO passed over two tractors in Forli, Italy, on November 14, 1954, one tractor with a diesel engine the other with an internal combustion engine. The engine of the diesel tractor continued to operate, but the other tractor’s engine stopped and could not be started until the UFO had vanished.”

What I learned here is that very few of the cases in which the car stalled, did the engine seem to restart spontaneously. The number of them so low, that I wonder if, as has been suggested by others elsewhere, that those reports are in error. That the driver, without realizing it, did something to cause the car to restart.

A Different Perspective: Cars Stalled by UFOs

Magical Realist Offline
Quote:That the driver, without realizing it, did something to cause the car to restart.

The officer in Trumbull county was pretty sure his car started on it's own while he was several feet away from it. It's not like that is something you would just make up among all the other incredible things going on around you. Seems rather trivial in fact. Are we going to begrudge a giant radiant craft that hovers and makes no noise the rather incidental ability to remotely start engines they also shut off? I think not..
Zinjanthropos Offline
I would think as one approaches or is being followed by a UFO that the first inclination is to start braking even if to come to a complete stop. If the car should then stall, and remember most people are transfixed or bedazzled by what they see, removing oneself from the vehicle could easily be done without taking the vehicle out of Drive so as not to set the gearshift to Park or Neutral. With automatic transmissions this can easily happen, we've all made that mistake. Starting the car in D while in panic or mesmerized mode isn't going to work.

Also if you're not careful when braking with a standard transmission one can very easily stall the car by not working the clutch properly. What is assumed in these cases is that the drivers usually perform the stopping and starting while totally relaxed, no anxiety but cool,as cucumbers.
Magical Realist Offline
In connection to car stallings and lights going out, it bears mentioning the famous Levelland Tx sightings of 1957. Again, shorting of circuits due to ionized air remains a likely culprit. Some report only lights going out while others mention stallings. This sort of randomness of affectation is typical of electrical glitches.
C C Offline
That diesel engines which lack spark plugs are unaffected by UFO encounters would seem consistent (i.e., a minor chink in any view of their being haphazardly concocted stories). However, they actually are affected in several reports. Either disrupted in terms of running smoothly or outright failing. (Diesels, too?)

Here's a somewhat surprising "almost endorsement" or allowance by Michio Kaku of UFOs being either unmanned / robot passenger data-collecting ships or time-travel vessels.

Prof Michio Kaku on the science behind UFOs and time travel

EXCERPT: [...] In movies it is always assumed that alien beings pilot these craft. More likely, however, if such craft exist, they are unmanned (or are manned by a being that is part organic and part mechanical). This would explain how the craft could execute patterns generating g-forces that would normally crush a living being.

[...] Some scientists have scoffed at UFOs because they don't fit any of the gigantic propulsion designs being considered by engineers today, such as ramjet fusion engines, huge laser-powered sails and nuclear pulsed engines, which might be miles across. [...] Any alien civilisation advanced enough to send starships throughout the universe has certainly mastered nanotechnology. This would mean that their starships do not have to be very large; they could be sent by the millions to explore inhabited planets. Desolate moons would perhaps be the best bases for such nanoships. If so, then perhaps our own moon has been visited in the past by a civilisation similar to the scenario depicted in the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey," which is perhaps the most realistic depiction of an encounter with an extraterrestrial civilisation.

[...] In 1990, Stephen Hawking read papers of his colleagues proposing their version of a time machine, and he was sceptical. His intuition told him that time travel was not possible because there were no tourists from the future. [...] The embarrassing thing, however, was that no matter how hard physicists tried, they could not find a law to prevent time travel. [...So...] Hawking recently changed his mind. He made headlines when he said, 'Time travel may be possible, but it is not practical.'

[...] But perhaps the thorniest problems are the logical paradoxes raised by time travel. [...] There are three ways to resolve these paradoxes. First, perhaps you simply repeat past history when you go back in time, therefore fulfilling the past. In this case, you have no free will. You are forced to complete the past as it was written. [...]

Second, you have free will, so you can change the past, but within limits. Your free will is not allowed to create a time paradox. [...]

Third, the universe splits into two. On one timeline the people whom you killed look just like your parents, but they are different, because you are now in a parallel universe. This latter possibility seems to be the one consistent with the quantum theory. [...] This means that all time-travel paradoxes can be solved. If you have killed your parents before you were born, it simply means you have killed some people who are genetically identical to your parents, with the same memories and personalities, but they are not your true parents.

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Here's an experiment which actually seems to superficially support either the first or second of the time paradox remedies above:

Seth Lloyd: In 2009, my colleagues and I showed that the quantum mechanics of closed timelike curves was essentially the same as that of teleportation and escape from black holes. In addition to providing a novel theory of quantum time travel, we performed an experiment that was the moral equivalent of the famous grandfather paradox of time travel: we sent a photon a few billionths of a second back in time and had it try to kill its former self. What happened? [...] Gajillions of photons died. Luckily there is no society for prevention of cruelty to photons—yet. Ironically, however, the one photon we sent back to perform auto-homocide failed to off its former self. [...] That is, no matter how hard it tried, the photon couldn’t kill its former self. The closer it got to killing itself, the less and less likely the teleporation was to succeed. (Trap Doors in Time and Space: Teleportation, Time Travel, and Escape from Black Holes)

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Zinjanthropos Offline
Doing their part for depleting the ozone, our UFO flyers don't seem to care too much about us. Between knocking out power grids, stalling vehicles, contaminating landing areas, dropping angel hair, abducting people, crashing planes, and the occasional close encounter of the third kind there should be enough there to put together some kind of profile regarding our LGM (little green men).

Let's assume they're living organisms and have been around a long time. What do they want? Food? Living space? Our natural resources? Are they scientists, explorers, invasion scouts. You'd think by now we'd have some idea. What gives?

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