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Russian Ukraine Invasion

stryder Offline
Further to my other post #1662:

Russia gets a plane shot down, thats full of Ukrainian POWs.

According to Ukraine, Russia didn't state they were sending POWs, so Russia manipulated an attack on the POW aircraft.

While the plane is mentioned to be an IL-76, it is possible they were using a stripped down Beriev A-50 "NATO named:Mainstay" fitted with the appearance of (as it certainly wasn't working) "Airborne early warning and control". Considering it involves the manipulation of a plane crash, it should make Russians wonder about the truth of Yevgeny Prigozhins death.
Syne Offline
Yeah, my initial thought from seeing the headline was that Russian intended Ukrainians to shoot down the plane with their own POWs aboard. I didn't even go as far as to see whether Russian was taking the POWs to Russian or returning them to the Ukraine. Either one would seem to suit them. Either the Ukrainians are demoralized for shooting down their own incoming POWs or they can be made to look menacingly calculating by not letting their own be taken alive.
Zinjanthropos Offline
Wild thought….what if the POW’s were already dead or were alive but needed so much care that the Russians deemed it easier to have them appear to be killed by their countrymen. As for crew members the jury is out…..were they in the plane or were the pilots set up also? Good way to rid yourself of some dissidents, deserters, traitors, sympathizers, political foes, dare I say corpses? Any number of things really.
Kornee Offline
Well I suppose if one is capable of writing a moving poem mourning '40 beheaded babies' AFTER it was pointed out the story was debunked atrocity propaganda BS, why not continue in that vein in other settings and conjure up any number of atrocity/conspiracy stories based on thin air.
Especially if it likewise follows the MSM approved 'Western' narrative.
Yeah - go for it! It's the done thing at SV.

Key passage that actually matters:
"Ukraine's GUR military intelligence agency confirmed a swap was meant to take place, but said it had not been told of how Russia would bring the prisoners to the handover point and said Ukraine had not been asked to ensure airspace security around Belgorod unlike previous swaps."

It was intended to be a 'routine' pow swap exercise. A 'simple screw-up' likely occurred. The rest of you here should pay attention to such admissions.
Syne Offline
Fuck off anti-Semite!
Kornee Offline
(Jan 26, 2024 12:20 AM)Syne Wrote: Fuck off anti-Semite!
The usual reaction from the anti-goy philo-semite. Who likes to suck up to others, even normally ideological adversaries, with such crude indirect tactics.
And probably still smarting from being easily found out as a pretentious fool here:

Meanwhile, another perhaps overdue reminder as to the actual background leading to the current war in Ukraine:
No-one here can objectively dispute Sach's timeline expose of what really happened.
That won't restrain one rabid hypocrite in particular from 'rebutting' via the super intelligent, super respectful "F off. F off. F off .....". And so on. Sigh.
Syne Offline
Wow, the Dunning-Kruger delusions of grandeur on this one. Not smarting from a post I just didn't deem worth a response, but keep that imagination working overtime to bolster the fragile ego. That's typical of conspiracy-laden antisemitism. When someone tells you who they are...:

anti-goy: against the non-Jewish
philo-semite: a notable interest in, respect for, and appreciation of the Jewish people

This is a catch-22. If you're not sufficiently aligned with anti-Semites, you're either a self-hating gentile, a gentile-hating Jew, a Jew-loving gentile, or any mixture thereof. Same language racists have always used, like calling a white person a black-lover, etc.. It's all through the lens of your alignment to with respect to their chosen target to blame for all the ills of the world... but actually just all the ills in their own pathetic lives. Notice how this piece of shit has slunk back here, no doubt after being berated or banned from every respectable forum.
Kornee Offline
Sigh. I guess someone will get this thread back on topic soon - I did try steering it there intelligently in my last post, but.....
Syne Offline
Notice the anti-Semite is the one who derailed this thread by bringing up wholly unrelated, but also wholly expected, whining about Israel. As if there's no other way for him to excoriate the MSM and Western countries.

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