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50 the magic number? (UK) + Bojo improves + Why some won't wear homemade masks - Printable Version

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50 the magic number? (UK) + Bojo improves + Why some won't wear homemade masks - C C - Apr 8, 2020

Britain's draconian coronavirus lockdown could be eased when fewer than 50 new cases are recorded each day for a fortnight, top scientist suggests (rules & score-keeping for determining the COVID-19 game)

SUMMARY: Professor Sung-Il Cho is an epidemiologist from Seoul National University. He said if new cases dipped below 50 then a 'gradual recovery' was possible. Korea never adopted strict social distancing measures to curb its outbreak.

(MAR 9) UK PM Johnson improving but still in intensive care in COVID-19 fight (sports fitness regimen for PMs)

EXCERPT: Prime Minister Boris Johnson had a good night and is getting better four days after being admitted to hospital with COVID-19, but he remains in intensive care as his government reviews the most stringent shutdown in Britain’s peacetime history. [...] “The prime minister had a good night and continues to improve in intensive care…he is in good spirits,” Johnson’s spokesman said in the latest update on Johnson’s condition. However, he is still receiving oxygen support, although he has not been put on a ventilator.

[...] In his absence the British government is wrestling with two major issues – how to finance a vast increase in state spending to support the shuttered economy, and when to start easing lockdown measures. With the world’s fifth largest economy facing potentially the worst economic hit since World War Two, the government said it had expanded its overdraft facility with the Bank of England.

[...] While Johnson’s condition was said to be improving, it was unclear how long he might be incapacitated, with some political commentators saying there was a power vacuum in his absence... (MORE - details)

Why some people of color say they won't wear homemade masks (COVID-19 sports gear)

INTRO: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now recommending that all Americans wear homemade face coverings in public to help stem the spread of coronavirus.

But Trevon Logan, an economics professor at Ohio State University, will not be following this guidance. "We have a lot of examples of the presumed criminality of black men in general," Logan, who is black, told CNN. "And then we have the advice to go out in public in something that ... can certainly be read as being criminal or nefarious, particularly when applied to black men."

Logan is not alone in his concerns. On social media and in interviews with CNN, a number of people of color — activists, academics and ordinary Americans — expressed fears that homemade masks could exacerbate racial profiling and place blacks and Latinos in danger. "I don't feel safe wearing a handkerchief or something else that isn't CLEARLY a protective mask covering my face to the store because I am a Black man living in this world," tweeted Aaron Thomas, an educator in Columbus, Ohio. "I want to stay alive but I also want to stay alive."

The CDC's recommendation on do-it-yourself face masks comes as the skyrocketing number of coronavirus cases and shortages of medical supplies have made professional-grade surgical masks all but unavailable to most Americans. In an interview with CNN, Logan acknowledged that during a pandemic it makes sense to ask people to protect their faces in any way possible. Protective masks for sale are displayed in a store in Brooklyn on April 2, 2020 in New York City.

But it also makes sense not to wear them if you're a person of color, he added. "This (wearing a homemade mask) seems like a reasonable response unless you just sort of take American society out of it. When you can't do that, you're basically telling people to look dangerous given racial stereotypes that are out there," Logan said. "This is in the larger context of black men fitting the description of a suspect who has a hood on, who has a face covering on," he added. "It looks like almost every criminal sketch of any garden-variety black suspect." (MORE)