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11 indie films coming in 2022 - Printable Version

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11 indie films coming in 2022 - Magical Realist - Mar 21, 2022

I'm a big fan of indie films. The director exerts more control over the making of the film, staying truer to the art and original vision of it than big studio made films do..

"Welcome to 2022! Wait, don’t run away.

While I acknowledge there’s been some, let’s call it “unfortunate carryover” from a truly abysmal 2020, there’s still one thing we can all look forward to, even in the darkest, most pandemic-clouded of days, and that’s the movies. Indie movies, specifically.

And before anyone gets all huffy, I love Hollywood movies. Should we ever feel completely comfortable slouching back into our theater seats on opening night of the latest, universe-conquering superhero blockbuster again, I assure you I shall be front and center, massive popcorn bucket and gummy bears at the ready.

But, kicking off the 2022 movie calendar (and remembering the name of this column), here’s to the indie films left fighting for our ticket-buying scraps. The weird, the challenging, the tough-to-market and the truly, defiantly independent work of some of the best directors you’ve never heard of.

Just a note: all release dates are seriously tentative, what with that whole pandemic screwing with film production because, as mentioned, 2020 was hot garbage....."

RE: 11 indie films coming in 2022 - C C - Mar 22, 2022

Looks like Ireland again reaping film-location wise from all the Viking related stuff over the past decade.

"The Northman,” April 6

It might be sprawling, but this Viking revenge saga is directed by the reliably out-there Robert Eggers (“The Witch,” “The Lighthouse”), so be prepared for this “Hamlet”-adjacent drama to get majestically strange. Starring Anya Taylor-Joy and Alexander Skarsgård in the lead, even though we all know brother Gustaf Skarsgård (TV’s “Vikings”) is the only real Norseman in the family.